European Left
17.02.2022Euroopan vasemmisto vastustaa edelleen USA:n rikollista ja epähumaania kauppasaartoa, joka on kurittanut Kuubaa ja sen kansalaisia jo 60 vuotta. Euroopan vasemmiston edustajat vaativat Yhdysvaltoja lopettamaan pakotteet ja palauttamaan normaalit suhteet Kuuban kanssa.
08.10.2021Chairperson Väisänen of SKP opened debate in European Left Assembly 9.10. of climate change and militarization of the EU. Väisänen proposed that EL would support the nature activists demand to declare the state of emergency and that it would work against the European Defence Fund.
09.11.2020Aktivisti ja Euroopan vasemmiston kulttuuriverkoston jäsen Joseph Healy avaa keskustelua taiteilijoiden päivittäisestä taistelusta koronavirusta ja köyhyyttä vastaan. Healy kehottaa oivaltamaan kulttuurin merkityksen poliittisena voimana.
11.09.2020Javier Sáez author on queer theory and involved in collective writing of Helsinki Red Pride Declaration says that we must create LGBTI friendly work environments and improve labour conditions and workers' rights.
13.08.2020Helsinki PRIDE:lla Working Class Hero kansainvälinen paneelikeskustelu HLBTI työläisten oikeuksita peruttu koronarajoitusten vuoksi. International panel discussion at Helsinki PRIDE 2020 of HLBTI workers' rights cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations
20.02.2020Chairpeson Väisänen says there is hope in the air, but Marin government is missing concrete decisions. Communist Party of Finland representatives have a critical approach on current Finnish political development.
01.05.2019SKP:n pääsihteeri Tiina Sandberg puhui vappuna Pakilan työväentalolla. Puheessaan pääsihteeri käsitteli aiheita, joista vappuna kuuluu puhua, eli työstä toimeentulosta ja taistelusta.
29.10.2018Brasilian presidentin vaalien tulos huolestuttaa Euroopan vasemmiston puheenjohtaja Gregor Gysiä. Tässä tilanteessa kaikkien vasemmistolaisten on tuettava Brasilian vasemmistoa, joka joutuu taistelemaan maansa demokratian puolesta Bolsonaroa vastaan.
30.09.2018The General Assembly of European Left discussed about up coming European election. Tiina Sandberg the general secretary of CPF was asking more co-operation with social movements and wanted to clear the position of Left Alliance towards NATO-compatible fighter planes.
28.09.2018European Left (EL) General Assembly, Council of Chairpersons and the Executive Board decide about Manifesto on EU elections. Chairperson of SKP, JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen sees the political EL-collaboration in EU elections remarkable in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism.
27.09.2018New hope is springing up in Europe. A new vision is inspiring growing numbers of Europeans and uniting them to join in great mobilisations to resist the imposition of a capitalist one-way street that is an attempt to trap humanity in a new social and cultural regression. Read the Manifesto of the Party of the European Left (EL) now at our website.
11.06.2018More NGO´s and organizers than ever now acting together for building up next Vastavirta Festival 2018 in Helsinki. Vastavirta Festival is an European open and political forum for radical activity, progressive collaboration and advocacy by those doing the doing.
Former Chairperson of the Communist Party of Finland and Member of the European Left Working Group for Central and Eastern Europe Yrjö Hakanen gave a speech at the International Conference ”100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution: Lessons and the Future of the Left” in Chisinau 27.-28.10.2017
Tiago Silva member of the European Left Migration Working Gropu and Chairman of Turku’s Regional Organisation of the Communist Party of Finland (SKP) finds both the Marseille Forum and the Catania conference, which the European Left is organising together with other left-wing forces, most important steps. Silva says in his Berling meeting speech that the bright side of the Finnish migartion scenario, is that the government’s xenophobic programme has met opposition from a great part of the Finnish society and from the asylum seekers themselves, with big demonstrations in favour of a multicultural Finland and with active protests against deportations of asylum seekers.