SKP:n puheenjohtaja, rauhanaktivisti JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen vaatii Sipilän hallituksen miilitarismin loppua ja aseiden sijaan rahaa työllisyyteen, köyhyydenvastaiseen tosi toimintaan ja perusturva-uudistukseen. Väisäsen mielestä myös meidän kommunistin on aiheellista katsoa peiliin, tehdä työtä vilkkaamman rauhandebatin eteen ja vahvistaa rauhanliikettä, jotta meillä olisi enemmän rauhan puhujalavoja ja enemmän mukaan kutsuvaa näkyvää matalan kynnyksen toimintaa.
Peking dialogue means responsibility, collaboration, and peacebuilding
The Communist Party of China (CPC) elected this autumn in the 19. national congress a new Central Committee and the International department (IDCPC). A very internationally visible start is taken now by IDCPC. Political work kicks off with an international high-level meeting of world political parties 30.11.-3.12. in Peking.
The Communist Party of Finland (CPF) chairperson JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen and the Center Party´s party secretary Jouni Ovaska will participate in the Peking meeting.
Idea of the Peking meeting is to debate responsibilities of the political parties of working together in order to build a community of a shared future for mankind and a beautiful world.
The CPF chairperson JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen joins the political debate in the high-level dialogue and the international dialogue on how to build a community of shared future of mankind. CPF´s Väisänen brings to the dialogue an international class struggle perspective form Northern Europe. Väisänen describes current situation of the working class as a alarming fight for workers basic rights. Väisänen says that anti worker, anti human, racist and neoliberal politics not only in Finland, Europe but globally is putting the progressive development of a shared future of mankind, peace and sustainable development in danger and therefore the IDCPC initiative of the Peking meeting is a highly important of its nature.
In Peking meeting the newly elected CPC leaders will exchange views with representatives of different political parties, experts and scholars on such issues as "How can we facilitate the building of a community of share future of mankind. What kind of beautiful world do we envision? And how can we leverage political parties in building a community of a shared future for mankind and a beautiful world and explore solutions to the challenges facing the development of human society, so as to jointly facilitate the building of a community of shared future of mankind.