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Emergency in Cuba – Embargo is suffocating the Cuban people

24.10.2024 - 07:15
  • Piirretty Kuuban lippu vasemmalla ja oikealla englanninkielinen kauppasaarron vastainen teksti "Drop the Blockade".

Communist Party of Finland expresses its full support for the people of Cuba, who are struggling amidst power outages and damage of the Hurricane Oscar. The challenges Cuba faces, such as the collapse of the power grid, food shortages, and the scarcity of medicine and fuel, are the result of the unjust trade embargo maintained by the United States.

Since Friday, October 18th, Cuba has suffered from an unprecedented nationwide blackout, which at its worst has affected the entire country. This has been caused by a lack of fuel and maintenance resources, which have prevented the proper functioning of the electrical grid. Due to the strict U.S. trade embargo and Cuba's inclusion on the list of countries supporting terrorism, the country has been severely restricted from purchasing fuel and essential supplies. Cubans and grassroots movements worldwide have repeatedly appealed to the United States to lift the embargo or at least some of these suffocating sanctions so that the country could acquire critical supplies like other nations. However, even the repeated demands of the UN General Assembly have fallen on deaf ears.

Communist Party of Finland demands the immediate end of the trade embargo. This inhumane policy prevents Cuba from preparing for crises and acquiring vital resources that would mitigate the effects of natural disasters. We want to show our solidarity with the Cuban people and call on the international community to take action to pressure the United States into ending its punishment of Cuba.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez stated that the economic damage caused by just 18 days of the trade embargo is equivalent to the annual maintenance costs of the national electricity grid, which are estimated at around 250 million U.S. dollars.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez stated that the economic damage caused by just 18 days of the trade embargo is equivalent to the annual maintenance costs of the national electricity grid, which are estimated at around 250 million U.S. dollars. The United States is also attempting to block even smaller donations of support from organizations and individuals to Cuba. Banks in the EU, including in Finland, are participating in this without any justification.

We wish the Cuban people strength and success in restoring the power grid and recovering from natural disasters, and we express our deepest sympathy in this difficult situation. Solidarity, stop embargo!

Politbyro of Communist Party of Finland
21st Oct 2024


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