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Ugly Roots of Migration

10.11.2018 - 11:15
(updated: 10.11.2018 - 12:12)

This platform is also a serious moment to highlight the ugly roots of migration, form solidarity and fight against injustice. 

I am JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen, chairperson of the Communist Party of Finland 

3,3 % of the world´s population is today hit by a catastrophe that forces to migrate. Better future can be built up with joint actions between leftist, green and progressive forces. Imperialist wars, climate change and bad working conditions create migration.  

Turnover to a different future free of workers and nature's exploitation is urgently needed. Changing ideas and networking here in Bilbao is important.  


From the world’s approximately 244 million international migrants some 150 million are workers (2015 230/150). Most migrant workers are in the services sectors, with 106.8 million workers (71.1%), followed by industry, including manufacturing and construction and agriculture.  

Since 2008 to 2016 every year some 25 million people have been forced to migrate because of phenomena that are linked with climate change such like floods, taifuns and erosion. (United Nations Migration Agency) 

Politics of business wear a false mask of democracy. Imperialist wars hit and bomb innocent homes and families, occupy and interfere in faraway countries policies. Instead of democracy and peace wars bring emergency and migration.  


Together with leftist, green and progressive forces – YESS - we can fight against these ugly roots of migration. We are a diverse force, which is only a good thing. All our movements; workers movement, anti-fascist, internationalist, ecologist, gender- and sex emancipation, feminists' and communists' movements have a history of own struggle.  


In the next coming future, one ugly root of migration comes very much alive.  European Union and Morocco Free Trade Agreement and Fisheries Partnership Agreement is at the EU table. International Trade Committee votes on French liberal MEP Patricia Lalonde´s report on extending the EU Marocco trade deal into the parts of Western Sahara 3 th of December and the EU assembly about the treaties early next year. 

Morocco with its occupation in Western Sahara from 1975 on is making it impossible for Western Sahara to function as a sovereign and independent nation. Morocco is exploiting Western Sahara natural resources in the south and in Western Sahara, and hegemonically seeks to capture the Sahrawi culture by organizing events and festivals that create a single-minded and propagandistic image of Sahrawi culture as part of a Moroccan culture. 


I propose that Bilbao Forum should support the liberation front of Western Sahara Polisario's democratic and peaceful actions in the struggle for independence of the Sahrawi people.  

Currently the EU supports the UN's actions and the Sahrawi's rights to self-determination, but at the same time EU prepares free trade agreements with Morocco. 

We need to send a loud and clear message to all members of the EU parliament not to sign the agreements between the EU and Morocco on free trade (FTA) and the Fisheries Partnership (FP) because Morocco is occupying Western Sahara.  

Those who wish to cut off one enormous ugly root of migration Morocco's occupation, please support the message of solidarity and that EU should not establish the EU and Morocco agreements. Please see me during the forum. I have outside this hall a Polisario written declaration. Please come and  sign!  

END Occupation - FREE Western Sahara! DOWN with the ugly roots! 

YES, for Peoples self-determination, YES for Peace and Class Struggle!

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