Ongoing militarization is affecting, and will affect in the future, to young people's feel of security. Militaries and right-wing media are aggressively feeding the non-critical thinking for youth, said SKP´s vice chairperson Jiri Mäntysalo in European Left Congress in Vienna.
03.11.2020Kulttuurin vastavirta-verkkokeskustelussa 14.11. kello 17-19 kolme kulttuurin ja taiteen moniosaajaa, aktivistia ja tekijää; Merikukka Kiviharju, Joseph Healy ja Mikaela Mansikkala keskustelevat (englanniksi) taiteesta, kulttuurista ja hyvinvoinnista.
20.02.2020Chairpeson Väisänen says there is hope in the air, but Marin government is missing concrete decisions. Communist Party of Finland representatives have a critical approach on current Finnish political development.
20.06.2018Internationally interesting speakers join Vastavirta-festival debate on Marx, culture and the arts. Panayiotis Neufelt, Founder of the Cultural Left and Founder of the Arts Council in Greece says that citizens of all countries seeking for education and culture but Instead, they get entertained.