SKP Congress 4.-5 of June in Turku
02.05.2016 - 15:59
(updated: 06.06.2016 - 15:54)
JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen chairman of the Communist Party of Finland
“We are gathering in Turku in our Party Congress in a situation where we need every day a stronger class oriented struggle for better worker´s rights, for more equal women’s rights, for universal human rights and Peace. It is time for an international class struggle against fascism, racism and neoliberal governments not only in Finland, not only against the antihuman and antidemocratic EU but also against all the concrete forms of Austerity politics, capitalist exploitation and imperialists wars all over the world”
JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen
Chairman of the Communist Party of Finland