Russian Academy of Sciences and the Duma member Boris Kashin in Arctic Initiative 6.6. in Helsinki
Arctic Initiative is an open forum for political parties, NGO´s, civil societies activists – environmental- peace- and human rights / indigenous rights organizations, workers and individual activists.
With Russian Academic Boris Kashin Arctic issues such as Environment, Security and Indigenous Rights open also amog others Lassi Heininen (University of Lapland) Josef Baum ( University of Wienna) Hanna Helander (City Samit, Maite Mola vice President of the European Left and JP ( Juha-Pekka) Väisänen chairman of the Communist Party of Finland
-International global neoliberal plans to exploit the natural resources hit the Arctic. Confrontation of the NATO and Russia is present. Indigenous rights are oppressed by the interests of the big capital. Time urges political parties, civil society, NGO´s, environmental – human rights and peace organizations, academic people, investigators and researchers, workers, artists, intellectuals and activists to make a statement and participate in common discussion about environment-security and human right issues in the Arctic, says JP Väisänen chairman of the Communist Party of Finland
On Monday the 6th of June, 2016 at Kirjan talo, Kirjatyöntekijänkatu 10
The language of the seminar is English. There is simultaneously translation into Finnish via headphones.
09.00 RECALAIM: Before the opening of the event international guests gather outside the Cumulus hotel and march together from Hotel to the Event ( 800 meters / 10 minutes) carrying the event banner with logo and text “ For Environment, Peace and Indigenous Rights”. Photo session at Pitkäsilta-bridge which is a Finnish symbol of class division. Hotel Cumulus is at the working class part of the city and Event place Kirjan talo at the bourgeois part.
10.00 Cultural intervention, Merikukka Kiviharju, Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament (PAND)
10.15 Opening words JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen, Chairman of the Communist Party of Finland, and Member of the European Left (EL) Executive Board
10.30 Plenary Session
Options on the socio-ecological development of the Arctic in the era of climate change
Key note speech by Josef Baum, Economist, geographer; interdisciplinary senior researcher, Department of East Asian Studies -University of Vienna, Austria, Member of board of Transform! Austria, Member of the EL Environmental group
The utilization of resources, the environment, climate change and the military - conceptualizing the new security nexus of the globalized Arctic
Key note speech by Lassi Heininen, Professor Arctic Politics, University of Lapland
Key note speech Hanna Helander, President of the City Sámit organization (for Sámi people’s rights)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 - 15.00 three parallel Working Groups with equal program structure
Welcome words and orientation by Working Group facilitator; Johanna Scheringer-Wright, researcher (agriculture and Environment), MP in Thuringia and Speaker for Agriculture and Rural development, Member of National Executive Committee of DIE LINKE., Germany, member of EL Environmental WG
Warning Signs Require Humanity to Take Action
Introduction by Marc Brodine, activist, writer and artist, Chairman of the National Environmental Commission of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) writes on environmental issues for the journal the People´s World.
Introduction by Hervé, Bramy, member of of EL Environmental WG, Communist Party of France, France
Introduction by Riikka Kaikkonen member of EL Environmental WG, Communist Party of Finland, Finland
With special participation of
Mike Wright, die Linke from Germany
Nelson Peralta, Left Bloc from Portugal
Piera Muccigrosso, EL Brussels office
Davide Raffini, EL Brussels office
With the participation of key note speaker Josef Baum, Economist and Geographer, Communist Party of Austria, European Left Environmental Working Group
Debate and conclusions from the Working Group
Welcome words and orientation by Ilya Zorikhin-Nilsson, International Secretary Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)
Intervention by Boris Kashin, member of the Central committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Deputy of the State Duma ( member of Parliament), academician of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Intervention by Harald Reppesgaard, Vice Chairman of the Communist Party of Norway and chief-editor of "Frihten" newspaper.
Neiter Washington nor Moscow
Introduction by Max Anttila, Secretary General of the Communist Youth League of Finland
With the participation of key note speaker Lassi Heininen Professor Arctic Politics, University of Lapland
Debate and conclusions from the Working Group
Welcome words and orientation by Reijo Rinne, Member of Environmental Working Group of the Communist Party of Finland
Introduction by Anni Ahlakorpi, Chairperson of the Left Youth of Finland
Introduction by Tapio Siirilä, Lapland Regional Political Secretary of the Communist Party of Finland
Introduciton by Mikko Vartiainen chairman of Communist Workers` party (Finland) researcher of international law and peoples rights, in the University of Lapland
With participation of key note speaker Hanna Helander, President of the City Sámit organization
Debate and conclusions from the Working Group
15.00 Coffee
15.30 Plenary Session
Introduction by Maite Mola, Communist Party of Spain, Vice President of the European Left.
15.50 Conclusions and proposals for actions and statements from the WG1: For Peace - Against Militarization and War by Ilya Zorikhin-Nilsson International Secretary Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)
Conclusions and proposals for actions and statements from the WG2: For Indiginous People’s Rights by Anni Ahlakorpi, chairperson of the Left Youth of Finland
Conclusions and proposals for actions and statements from the WG3: Sustainable Ecological and Social Development by Johanna Scheringer-Wright, Die Linke from Germany, European Left Environmental Working Group
16.20 Debate and Conclusions
17. 30 Multicultural Arctic, Cultural intervention by writer, journalist Yousif Haddad
17.45 Merikukka Kiviharju, Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament (PAND)
18 Thank You and Good Bye!
List of Participants in Alphabetical order
Ahlakorpi, Anni, chairperson of the Left Youth of Finland
Anttila, Max, secretary general of the Communist Youth League of Finland
Baum, Josef, member of EL Environmental WG, Communist Party of Austria, Austria
Brodine, Marc, activist, writer and artist.Chairman of the National Environmental Commission of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), member of the CPUSA National Committee and National Board, USA
Harle Ritva, Community Artist, Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament (PAND), Finland
Heininen, Lassi, Professor Arctic Politics, University of Lapland, Finland
Helander, Hanna, President of the City Sámit
Hervé, Bramy, member of of EL Environmental WG, Communist Party of France, France
Kaikkonen, Riikka, member of EL Environmental WG, Communist Party of Finland, Finland
Kashin, Boris, member of the Central committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Deputy of the State Duma ( member of Parliament), academician of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Kiviharju, Merikukka, Singer and song writer, Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament (PAND), Finland
Mola, Maite, Vice President of the EL, Communist Party of Spain, Spain
Muccigrosso, Piera, Political secretary, EL Office, Brussels, Italy/Belgium
Nielsen, Hjørdis, Communist Party in Denmark, Denmark
Peralta, Nelson, member of EL Environmental WG, Left Bloc , Portugal
Polyakoff, Victor, Member of EL Executive Board, United Estonian Left, Estonia
Raffini, Davide, Political Secretary, EL Office, Brussels, Belgium
Rasmussen, Bjarne, International sekretary, Communist Party of Denmark, Denmark
Reppesgaard, Harald, chief-editor of "Frihten" newspaper and vice-chairman of the Communist Party of Norway, Norway
Rinne, Reijo, Member of Environemental Working Group of the Communist Party of Finland
Scheringer-Wright, Johanna, researcher (agriculture and Environment), MP in Thuringia and Speaker for Agriculture and Rural development, Member of National Executive Committee of DIE LINKE., Germany, member of EL Environmental WG
Siirilä,Tapio, Lapland Regional Political Secretary of the Communist Party of Finland, Finland
Wright Mike, freelance journalist and activist, speaker of Ecology WG DIE LINKE. Germany, member of EL Environmental WG
Vartiainen, Mikko, chairman of Communist Workers` party (Finland) researcher of international law and peoples rights, in the University of Lapland, Finland.
Väisänen, JP (Juha-Pekka), Chairman of the Communist Party of Finland, EL Executive Board, Finland
Zorikhin-Nilsson, Ilya, International Secretary Communist Party of Sweden, Sweden
Arctic Initiative - Arktinen Aloite