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CPF Party Congress – ”For Class Struggle and Peace”

10.05.2022 - 15:15
  • SKP edustajakokous 2022 Kotka

CPF Party Congress – ”For Class Struggle and Peace”

The Communist Party of Finland invites all the Communist and Workers Parties to send a video-greeting or written message of solidarity for the CPF Party Congress taking place from the 11th to 12th of June 2022 in Kotka, Finland.

We are gathering in Kotka in our Party Congress in a situation, where Vladimir Putin's decision to start a war in Ukraine has put the security of the whole world at stake, where Nato hasn't shouldered its responsibility for intensifying the confrontation and the EU seems to need more military power to play its role as an imperialist centre and to sharpen its capitalist competition.

At the same time the finnish government, run by social democrats, has decided to increase the military budget by 700 million for this year. At the same time the goverment doesn’t seem to find more funding for the finnish healtcare-system, where the working people have been striking through-out this spring.

Last year the government decidec to purchase 64 new HX fighter jets from the US. The first cost for finnish tax-payers for these war-machines is around 10 billion euros, and the whole cost in the upcoming decades can be up to 40-50 billion. The CPF has campained against the fighter program from the beginning and we will continue the work against militarisation in Finland and the whole nordic region.

CPF will also update the party program. During last years CPF has been organizing seminars on the party program all around Finland. The time is now to update the party program with new analysis on the situation on our country and around the world.

The work of communist youth has brought more political interests into party work. Cooperation with young people, opportunities for influencing young people within the party and the resourcing of the Central Committee for youth work are one of the party's most important factors for the future and growth.

Today we need a stronger, class oriented struggle for better workers rights, for equal womens rights and for universal human rights and peace. It is time for an international class struggle against neoliberal governments, capitalist exploitation, fascism, racism and imperialists wars all over the world.

We kindly ask to send the video-greeting (max. 5 minutes) or written message untill 30.5.2022 to our head of media working group, editor-in-chief of Tiedonantaja -media Petra Packalén: petra.packalen@tiedonantaja.fi

Messages can be sent in Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian or Spanish.

Polit byro of the Communist Party of Finland

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